Monday, June 27, 2011

When is the best time to circumcise ?

This is a copy article from Ismail Clamp, It useful as a reference for parents who plan to circumcise their sons:

Circumcision can be done on any age group. Infant circumcision is cheap and convenient, but as outlined below age group between 5 years to puberty is the best time to carry out circumcision

a. Infant circumcision (form birth to 3 months)

Practiced by certain group of Muslims mainly in Arab countries. In some Western countries

particularly in The United States of America, routine infant circumcision is the norm.

For Jews , the 8th day is a must.

b. 3 months to 5 years

Circumcision in this age group should be avoided because

i. Child can localize and feel pain, and can remember it too.

Ii. Child may not understand the reason for his circumcision

c. 5 years to puberty

This age group forms the majority of circumcision practiced by Muslims. In certain

countries (Malaysia, Indonesia), group circumcision (form five to a few hundred

participants) with elaborate ceremonies are still being held. For reasons outlined below,

this age group seems to be the best time to conduct circumcision.

i. The child understand reasons for undergoing circumcision and will also be able to

face the pain and discomfort of


Ii. Unlike infants, child is already toilet trained, and problem of fecal matter soiling

circumcision wound does not arise. Child also able take care of circumcision wound.

iii. Sociologically ideal, because after circumcision, the child will acquire adult status,

and will be rewarded and welcomed within the adult circle.

iv. Medically, this is the best time to perform circumcision, because the size of penis is

not too small, easier to judge where to make the cut, and the growth spurt of

puberty will further tighten the penis.

D. Adult and adolescent

Circumcision for this age group, doesn’t pose much problem because patient understand

the reason for undergoing circumcision and circumcision is usually done voluntarily. The

main drawback is awkward feeling of genital being handled, and to explain long duration of

absence from work. If news of the circumcision leaks out. It may cause embarrassment to


Conclusion : Most of the people circumcised during their childhood. My opinion, during child hood, they can understand what is circumcision about and of course, it is symbol for them to enter adulthood life. For those who are against circ, they think that this is child abuse. But, for Malay, circumcision is a culture & related with the Islamic religion. We can accept child circumcision...

For me, circumcision is not abusing. It is a step for boy to understand how life is. Beside on healthy reason, circumcision is more than that. As a world members, we need to understand other people culture and respect each other! I'm sure we can have better life in the future.


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